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If you would like to download SoloKeep 2.1, please click on the following link:

While you are installing the software ...

After the installation package is downloaded to your computer, it will start installing SoloKeep. All you have to do is follow the instructions.

Are you having problems downloading or installing the program?

If you chose "Save" instead of "Run this file from its current location", you need to locate the file SoloKeepSetup.exe on your computer. To do this:

  1. Click Start button and then click Search (or Find) and look under the files and folders category.
  2. Type the filename SoloKeepSetup.exe then click Search Now (or Find Now).
  3. To install the program, double-click SoloKeepSetup.exe and follow the instructions.

Are you experiencing a different problem?

  1. What if I have problems downloading the software?
    Try saving the software to your hard disk:
    1. Create a folder on your hard drive where you want to save the software. Make a note of the folder's name so you can find the software after it has been downloaded.
    2. Select "Save" rather than "Run" at the Web site to download the installation file your download folder.
    3. Double-click on the SoloKeepSetup.exe file from your download folder to install the software. If you get a "Page not found error" when trying to download, either refresh the page or use the Contact us link to send us e-mail.
  2. What if I have problems installing the program?
    Try the following:
    1. Ensure that no other programs are running. Sometimes it helps to close as many programs as possible before trying to install the program. To close programs, right-click the program icons and select either Close or Exit.
    2. Make sure you have the proper permissions to install applications on your computer, if you're using Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. If you are unsure about what permissions you have on your computer, contact your system administrator for more information.

a Pineau Labs experiment